Smart Contract Overview
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xWin FundFactory: The purpose of this smart contract is to deploy various funds that the user requests. This fund factory will keep track of all the funds as well as many of the administrative controls for the funds.
xWin Fund: Each of these smart contracts can be a public or private fund for a user. The fund can allow users to invest in xWin strategies as well as individual tokens. It also allows the users to rebalance through the xWin Finance Website or through our SDK.
xWin Pricemaster: Pricemaster is a helper smart contract that ensures the price of the tokens and strategies are correct. It does this by utilizing Chainlink Price Oracle to ensure that the price does not get arbitraged.
xWin Swap: xWin Finance has its own swap engine that uses various DEFI swap protocols in order to get the best prices.
xWin Emit Event: This contract is used to emit events that occur on all the other smart contracts. This makes it easier to track the events that occur in other smart contracts.
xWin Strategies: xWin Finance offers strategies for investors to use that vary significantly in terms of functionality. However, all the strategies follow a similar pattern and fee structure.